Твердомер Шора LX-D-1

Артикул: LX-D-1

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Москва, ул. Электродная, д.2, стр.7

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LX-C hardness tester is suitable for hardness of high degree of hardness material, such as common hard rubber, herdened resin, acryl, plexiglas, thermos plastic rubber, printing plate, fibre. The product conforms to HG/2489 and otherrelated standart request.

Technical Data
Measuring range: 0 - 100HD
Recommended measurenment range: 20-90 HD
Outline dimension: 115x60x25mm
Pressure needele range: 2.5mm
End pressure of pressure head: SR0.1mm
New weigth: ~0.16kg ~0.14kg

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